Friday, September 01, 2006

ABC 7 on Proposition 89 and Channel 89

Channel 89
Mark Matthews of ABC 7 News has a story on Proposition 89.
Backers of campaign finance reform have come up with a way of promoting their cause that is both unique and oddly familiar. [...]

In 2004 we did a story investigating who would attend a $3,200 a plate breakfast with East Bay State Senator Don Perata. None of the lobbyists going to that breakfast wanted to tell me their names. Some even ran away when we tried to photograph them.

Well two years later, check out this Web video shot by the Yes on 89 campaign. It was shot last week outside a fundraiser for Assemblyman Rick Keene of Chico. He was charging $1,500 a head and serving donuts for breakfast. The woman from Proposition 89 is offering the lobbyists donuts for 89-cents.

In a similar stunt, the Yes on 89 campaigners also posed as reporters questioning the lobbyists as they ducked away.

Angela Mae, Ace Reporter!